Types of Users and their Roles
There are 4 types of users in Cliniknote and all have unique and some overlapping roles (functional capabilities)
The types of Users are:
1. Reception
2. Clinician
3. Admin
4. Owner
The 4 types of users in Cliniknote have unique Roles. The roles of each type of user is explained below:
- Can make bookings on the appointment diary and edit
- Can create, edit and send consent forms
- Can create and edit clinician templates
- Can create, edit and add invoices
- Can generate reports
- Can add patient and edit patient details
- Can upload and attach files
- Can export an injury / episode notes as PDF
- Can do all that reception can do plus
- Add a clinical note to a patient
- Edit only the note created by the clinician themselves
- Can do all that reception and clinician can do
- Edit practice name and address details
- Can add a new location
- Update hours of the practice
- Can add or edit users
- Can assign clinical availability of users
- Can edit and update closures
- Can add or edit invoicing content – tax rates and bank details
Owner – has all permissions and is in complete control of the software and can do all roles. The account belongs to the owner and the owner can:
- Can do all that Admin can do plus
- Has complete control of the account
- Access to the payment details as the account holder
- Creating and activating users via subscription to Cliniknote
- Set user availability
- Delete a user and prohibit access to the account if needed from any user
- Can transfer ownership of the account to another user (if selling the clinic for example)